Copyright © The Adventures of Ava and Ruby
Design by Dzignine
Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Dad took both of them down to the beach again which both were so excited!

Ruby is off to the vets tomorrow night. I noticed a very large cyst or something on her right leg near the "arm pit". It is about 1cm wide by 1cm high so quite big. She doesnt seem bothered by it but it seems to have just appeared recently so maybe she was bitten. Best to get it checked.

Ruby still goea crazy for her bubbles - doing zoomies everywhere. Even ava has been gettig back into them!

I gave ruby a cuddle just before bed amd ava decides to get a toy and play with it. Ruby noticed soon after and went to her and laid along side her watching ava play with it slowly and gently trying to take it!

At bed time, ava picked up a tennis ball in the bedroom, went out in the hallway and laid down, dropped the ball and watched it roll away and then plonked her head on the ground and wrnt to sleep!