They were so happy to see me when i got home after work. I sat outside with them for a few hours. I gave them fresh bones but it took a while for them to get interested. Finally ava did and then ruby just sits an inch away from her nose watching- despite there being two other bones! Ava chewed hers for quite sometime, while ruby attempted to burry hers! She started to dig near the rose bush - and a few seconda later she appearz with an old bone that she burried!
Soon later ruby had a stick, then ava wanted it so they chase each other around the garden! After a small play fight and ava is chilling on top of a plant, ruby comea up to her with the stick, pushig it into her face saying "play with me"! Keeps doing it until ave reacts and tries to get she quickly
Moves away!
Ruby loves to watch tv. She will either go right up to the screen, sit in front, stand on the coffee table - or like tonight, rests her head on the coffee table!!
I had an icecream and they ( more ruby) begged and begged for some! First they sat together on the couch. Then ave rested her head on my lap ( her nice way of begging-"i wont actively beg but you'll think im so good you will give me some anyways" type) where as ruby laid over cushions just peering over for some!
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