What a perfect day! Sunny, warm, no wind and tide out!!
Ava had her walk in the morning with dad. I went around there with ruby at 11 to collect her but wanted to take ruby for a quick walk. We ended up being 2 hours! I started from mums and walked to the river mouth. Ruby was tired by the time we got there. But the tide was so far out. Parts that are usually underwater were empty for 10+ metres. How could i not take her down! And there was hardly any one around! She got her energy back when she realised we were. She ran and ran and even trotted off into the water by herself. Ocean was so calm with only little waves so it was perfect. She kept going in to retrieve seaweed!! We walked all the way back home along tje beach. She kept going in and splashing. Really adventourous! She even snorkled!
She was so tired for the rest of the day. Mum said when we left ava just howled and moped about. When we got back she perked up and looked happy! They miss each other!!
Lol adorable babe.