Got home and ruby is so hyper running around back and forth jumpjngnover ava and barking soni take her for a quick run around the block to tire her out. Got home and ava is so excited we afmre back ( of course after crying when we left!). They then have a play fight.
Next thing ruby sits in front of me and i noticed her mouth is full of blood. Then drops of blood all over the floor. Checked her mouth and one of her side teeth has came out!!! I lock them down the hallway while i go back to the family room to see if i can find the tooth and thankfully do!
I phones the vets. I was hoping it wasnt an adult toth as it is one she would really need. And theey confirmed it would be a baby tooth at her age! Phew!
Since then she is staying very close to me ans just climbs across me and snuggled down right next to me.
Ava was snugged next to me before and ruby climbed over us. She then licked/cleaned Avas ear and ava let her!!
The tooth!!
But soon after, she was back to her normal self, bugging Ava.
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